Would you like more contacts and sales from your website?

With Rapidly, you can increase the number of contacts and sales opportunities while offering a seamless digital customer experience.

Why does Rapidly work?

  • Easy to use, distinctly recognizable, and modern user experience
  • Appears as the company’s own tool (no branding links)
  • No dreaded bots, but the option to chat with a real person
  • SMS notifications to the right salesperson enable quick lead response
  • Chat or call immediately and close the lead from the website—wherever you are

What is Rapidly?

Rapidly is an embedded view installed at the bottom of your website, allowing site visitors to book appointments, request quotes, fill out any other form, or start a chat conversation directly. With the built-in Live Chat and ticketing system, requests can be handled in a customer-friendly manner directly on the website without phone calls.

Our Customers

Companies across various industries use Rapidly to promote sales on their websites and improve the customer experience.

  • Hawo

Lower the threshold, increase conversions

Bring your company’s most important calls to action into view and make it easier than ever to get in touch!

  • Human faces and availability information make the approach more attractive and personable.
  • Clear buttons guide users to different actions, such as leaving a callback request or filling out a quote request form.
  • The direct chat field serves those who want to start a conversation immediately.

Quick response = more sales

If you can’t answer the phone immediately, the customer may buy from a competitor. A lead that arrived by email in the morning could be a lost opportunity by the afternoon if it hasn’t been addressed.

  • With Rapidly, SMS notifications are sent instantly to multiple users, increasing the likelihood of a quick response.
  • You can immediately open a chat conversation with the customer on the website, allowing you to arrange a call or meeting right away.

With Rapidly, you maximize the value of every lead and contact and ensure that every potential customer feels they receive first-class and prompt service from the first contact onward.

Digitize the purchase experience

A phone number or outdated contact form on a website is not enough. Modern customers value fast and effortless online service.

  • Rapidly’s modern and user-friendly forms allow for comprehensive data collection (images, documents) from customers in a way that is convenient for them.
  • The service quality is higher when there’s no need to repeat the same information over the phone.
  • Intuitive, step-by-step, and automatically saved secure forms guide the customer to provide the exact information you need to serve them in the best possible way.
Digitize the purchase experience

How it works

Add contacts and input opening hours into Rapidly

Lower the contact threshold by bringing your salespeople to where your customers are—on your website! Rapidly shows when your salespeople are available and ready to answer questions.

Add the most important buttons

Rapidly functions as a low-threshold service menu where website visitors can request a conversation with a salesperson and fill out information about their needs while waiting. You can build versatile and modern lead collection and appointment booking forms in Rapidly.

Customize the appearance according to your company's brand

Add your company’s logo, fonts, and color scheme. If you wish, you can customize even the smallest details of Rapidly’s appearance to match your company’s brand.

Serve customers on your website with one click

Installing Rapidly on your website using the WordPress plugin takes less than 5 minutes! After installing the plugin, Rapidly is ready to receive and serve visitors and customers. Receive an SMS and/or email on your phone about new contacts. You can use the Rapidly admin panel on both your phone and computer.